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Idea: Maybe make a sort button to sort all of them by how cheap they are?

(2 edits) (+1)

I have considered this, but in the end decided not to as it goes against one of the themes/vibes I wanted the game to create in players. That is endless doom scrolling of semi random cards, looking for that next interesting card to click and make turn yellow.

The main feelings that I hope to create are:

1. The mindless and relatively low cognitive load doom scrolling > click  gameplay. (Like scrolling Tok Tok or Reddit)

2. The gradual realization of how insanely large a trillion dollars is. (as you get to late game and generate many millions of dollars per second but your still gonna need to save up for a very long time to buy that country or next card) 

3. Make player chuckle or find some amusement from reading the cards and imagining this insane life journey. 

4. Watching those numbers endlessly go up!